Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Give Yourself Credit

I was going through some Alzheimer's Association materials today. Just brushing up on my caregiver knowledge and trying to stay "frosty" in my craft and I came upon this statement, "Give Yourself Credit, Not Guilt."

This falls right in line with what I learned at the University of Santa Monica. Validate yourself. Know that you are important in peoples lives. Especially the one you care for!

The following is info taken straight from an Alzheimer's Association brochure. I hop it helps.

Know that the care you provide does make a difference and you are doing the best you can. You may feel guilty because you can't do more, but individual care needs change as Alzheimer's progresses. You can't promise how care will be delivered, but you can make sure that the person with Alzheimer's is well cared for and safe.

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